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Baptist Faith & Message 2000

I. The Scriptures

The Bible is God’s divinely inspired, inerrant revelation. It is the ultimate authority for faith and conduct, pointing to Christ as the center of divine truth.

II. God

There is one true, triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • God the Father: Sovereign Creator and loving Father to believers.

  • God the Son: Jesus Christ is fully God and man, who lived sinlessly, died for redemption, rose from the dead, and will return in glory.

  • God the Holy Spirit: Active in conviction, regeneration, sanctification, and gifting believers for service.

III. Man

Man is created in God’s image but fell into sin through disobedience. All are sinners in need of God’s grace, yet retain inherent worth.

IV. Salvation

Salvation, through faith in Christ, includes:

  • Regeneration: New birth by the Holy Spirit.

  • Justification: God’s acquittal of sin.

  • Sanctification: Growth in grace and holiness.

  • Glorification: Eternal union with God.

V. God’s Purpose of Grace

God’s sovereign election ensures salvation for those who endure in faith, emphasizing humility and security in Christ.

VI. The Church

The church is a local congregation of baptized believers under Christ’s Lordship, tasked with spreading the gospel. It observes two ordinances: baptism (symbolic immersion) and the Lord’s Supper (memorializing Christ’s sacrifice).

VII. The Lord’s Day

Sunday, commemorating Christ’s resurrection, is for worship and spiritual devotion.

VIII. The Kingdom

God’s Kingdom is His rule over creation and salvation through Christ, awaiting full realization at Christ’s return.

IX. Last Things

Christ will return to judge the world, raising the righteous to eternal life and the unrighteous to eternal separation.

X. Evangelism and Missions

It is every Christian’s duty to share the gospel and make disciples, rooted in love for others.

XI. Education

Christianity promotes knowledge and wisdom. Education in Christ should balance academic freedom with biblical truth.

XII. Stewardship

All blessings come from God, and believers are called to use their resources for His glory and the good of others.

XIII. Cooperation

Christians should unite for missions and ministry, promoting unity without compromising biblical principles.

XIV. The Christian and the Social Order

Christians must seek justice, oppose sin, care for the vulnerable, and uphold the sanctity of life.

XV. Peace and War

Christians are to pursue peace through love and the gospel, working to end conflict.

XVI. Religious Liberty

Church and state should remain separate. Believers are free to worship and follow God’s Word without coercion.

XVII. The Family

The family is foundational to society. Marriage unites one man and one woman in a lifelong covenant, reflecting Christ’s love for the church. Parents must nurture and guide their children in biblical truth.

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